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Our Ministries

We believe that salvation in Christ is not the end but just the beginning of a wonderful journey to manifest God in every area of your life. Our vision is to take the uncompromised Word of God to the community, starting with Fayetteville, NC. Our purpose is to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to every creature, breaking the power of the devil, and setting the captives free. In this section you will see information on several ministry outreaches designed to help spread the Gospel of the Kingdom and train believers to take dominion over their lives and their circumstances through faith!

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Usher Ministry

Our ushers set the tone for visitors and our church family entering the house of worship. If you have a heart for God's people, we welcome you to connect with the usher ministry to learn how you can be a part of connecting our congregation to the heart of the Father, worship.

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Media Ministry

The purpose of the Media Ministry here at New Salem is to carry the Gospel to our visually-driven, ever changing world through the technology and media. We aim to equip the church to use digital and electronic media as a worship and outreach tool. This ministry provides the technical support required for our worship services, but also records events, teachings and sermons.

Marriage Ministry

Our Marriage Ministry is dedicated to modeling God’s purpose for marriage with the objective of teaching couples to truly become one. We teach couples the importance of protecting the sanctity of their marriage, and building covenant accountability. We help couples to enjoy their marriage to the fullest, by together loving God, loving each other, and having fun.

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Community Outreach

Our Outreach Ministry is designed to share the Gospel with everyone we meet, by leaving the church building and reaching out to the community through personal witnessing, community service, and the sharing the Word of God.  

Homeless Ministry

The New Salem International Homeless Ministry was created to be a tool to ministered to those that are displaced from permanent homes.  We distribute the necessities, such as food, clothing and blankets. We want to extend the love of our Savior, by also building relationships with the homeless and providing them with information needed. Developing a relationship with the community, discussing life options and ministering to those in need are a vital component of our ministry goals.


Worship Ministry

The Worship ministry is a team of believers that are called to worship the Lord and facilitate the worship experience at New Salem International Ministries.

Singles Ministry

The Singles Ministry is created to help singles at New Salem to develop their identity in Christ, pursue relationships with other believers, connect like-minded singles to encourage accountability and take part in fun activities to enhance the lives of the single members of the body of Christ.

Men's Ministry

Our Men's Ministry is to designed to illustrate authentic manhood.  Our society attempts to make being a man confusing, and there are a number of definitions according to the world's standards.  We will look at the Biblical call to be a real man as one who rejects passivity, accepts responsibility, leads courageously and invests in the call of eternity for himself, his family and community.

Women's Ministry

NSIM “Women of Distinction Ministry” purpose is to empower, strengthen, and encourage women to their full potential in God by helping women gain knowledge and understanding of God.  The ministry will provide opportunities for women to identify and use their unique, God given gifts for the purpose of harvesting other women for God’s kingdom and to set aside as an distinct vessel use for the upbuilding of God’s Kingdom.

Youth Ministry

Do you have a heart for children? Our Youth Ministry exists to glorify God through teaching children about God, equipping parents to raise godly children and fostering an atmosphere of fun. 


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